National University Teaching Awards (NUTA)

National University Teaching Awards (NUTA)

How do you create an online awards system to celebrate excellence in education?

The National University Teaching Awards (NUTA) is a collaboration with stakeholders working towards highlighting innovation in teaching and learning in higher education. Their aim is to foster inspirational academics and celebrate their unique transformed practices. 

We custom-built an online registration, application and adjudication system – a one-stop shop – for the NUTA team to make use of on an annual basis to receive applications, communicate with applicants and adjudicate their submissions. The challenge – and satisfaction – with this project came from the close collaboration with the NUTA team in interrogating and defining what they needed the system to achieve. One of our favourite responses when guiding a client through a new build is when, in answer to one of our questions, they say, “Oh, we hadn’t thought of that before…”

In addition to the build, we provided technical support to all applicants via email and video calls. 

We look forward to assessing the system after the first NUTA is complete, and creating further custom upgrades for the 2025 awards.

In its first year, the NUTA has received
submissions from

higher education institutions.