Three brands getting Facebook right
Slowly but surely, brands are shifting their approach on social media from shouting about themselves to as many people as possible, to having a deeper relationship with their unique community. Here are three brands on Facebook who we really like having around – not because they have massive followings, but because they really connect with followers and paint a great picture of who they are and what they do.
First up, the boys at Chandler House.
If you can’t make it over to their wonderland down a little side road in Cape Town’s CBD, you can definitely get of a sense it on their Facebook page.
Michael and Jeremy use the page to show off new products and promote upcoming events such as First Thursdays, where all the galleries in the CBD are open until 9pm. They also share the life of the shop – their experiments, who’s popped in lately – and Michael’s keen photographic eye makes the page richly visual.
Next up, a UK fruit juice brand.
My affection for Innocent Drinks started when I lived in London but I keep them around on Facebook because, well, they’re pleasant. Though they are international, this brand is a great example of a voice on social media – their presence has a clearly defined personality which reflects the fruity product.
The page keeps things light and really enjoyable, it’s rarely inane but rather quirky, gentle and positive. My favourite feature is #Dadjoke.
Dear Rae Jewellery manages to evoke a really beautiful, soft aesthetic consistently through their brand’s Facebook page.
While running great competitions, announcing new ranges and interacting with customers, they accurately evoke their style and personality as well as goings on at the store. All in all – it makes you want to go visit.
Often, they’ll show pieces especially designed for people – engagement rings on the big day, etc. This builds a real sense of community and shows how they’re passionate about the fact that their work makes people happy.