Pomegranite turns three

At the beginning of the month, Pomegranite turned three, and last night we celebrated this milestone with some champagne, birthday cake, and a quiz (back by popular demand).

It was wonderful to take a moment – or an evening – to look at how far we’ve come, joined by clients, friends and family.

People laughed, drank champagne, chatted, ate some cake, got VERY into our ridiculous quiz, and generally had a great time.





Here’s a little excerpt from Sarah’s speech:

They say that, when you have a new baby, once you make it through the first six weeks, you know that you probably will survive. I don’t know if that’s right – but it’s the impression I’ve picked up from Facebook lately.

And I’m starting to think that it’s a similar thing with a new business – except it’s the three-year mark when you know you’re going to be ok. And, when I look around tonight, at a celebration where we not only have real wine glasses but also champagne flutes (some of you will remember the paper cups from our first birthday), I think we’re going to be more than just ok.

Some of you may know that we’ve recently hired our fifth Pomegranite. Her name is Alex and she’ll be starting on Monday. We’re all really excited about our growing family.

I’m not going to be in the office on Monday – sorry Alex – so over the last few days I’ve been putting together a little welcome pack for her. A list of things I thought she should know about Pomegranite: like the fact that our office hours are from 8:30 to 5:30 but we don’t believe in sitting around pretending to work, so if everything is done, go home.

And that we have monthly inspiration days where we spend the afternoon out of the office doing something fun, like careening down the SuperTubes in Muizenberg (which I genuinely think might have been the best day of Riyad’s life).

The more I wrote about things like this, the more I started to feel really lucky that this is the kind of place I come to each day. I also felt really proud of this company culture – and this company – that Liz and I have built.

It hasn’t always been easy. But man, it’s been fun.

Liz – three years hey… When we first sat down to write our business plan on your lounge floor, and jotted down the secrets to business success (a blazer and smart leather pump – in case you were wondering), did you ever think we’d get here?

Starting a business with a friend is not something to enter into lightly. But we made the decision that we would rather have the hard conversations when we needed to have them, in exchange for building our own dreams, instead of someone else’s.

Thanks for always being open to having those conversations. For listening, and supporting, and understanding. And for never losing your amazing sense of humour.

Yoh, we have laughed over the years… We’ve worked late nights and early mornings and figured our way through some tricky projects, and through it all we’ve built something bloody beautiful, if I do say so myself.

So here’s to three years – and the next three and the next and the next.

Here’s to Pomegranite!

  • Che

    July 15, 2016 at 2:37 pm

    Congrats you guys!! onwards and upwards!!! So proud!! xx

    • pomegranite

      July 19, 2016 at 8:50 am

      Ah thanks Che! x