A ballerina and part-time vet: Ten things you didn’t know about Sarah
So a couple weeks ago when it was my turn to do the Friday blog post, I decided to ask Liz some… thought-provoking questions. When her turn came to ask me some questions, she took, what I imagine to be, some pleasure in saying: “Why don’t you just answer the same questions? You know, for symmetry’s sake…”
As you will see, they were not as easy as I originally thought, these questions. No wonder she was complaining!
1. What did you want to be when you grew up?
A ballerina and a part-time vet.
2. What’s your favourite thing about living and working in Cape Town?
This city is so beautiful – even the highways are beautiful. I’ve lived here for just over a year and, still sometimes, at odd moments, I’ll look up and see the light catch the top of the mountain or the sea a ridiculous shade of blue, and be blown away that I live (and work) in a place this lovely.
3. If your life was a movie, which actress would play you?
Mmmm Emily Blunt. I’ve been told I look something like her, and I like her vibe (for want of a better word). I think it’s the British thing. I always like to watch interviews with actors and actresses – they don’t often come off well. But she usually does. She’s less vapid than… others.
4. If your life was a book, what would the title be?
I would like to say The Pursuit of Happiness but that has Will Smith written all over it. Um… Right now it might be something like These are the Days That Must Happen to You (with permission from Walt Whitman). But… overall? To The Best of My Ability (which may or may not be my primary school motto. Look, it’s late. These questions are hard. No wonder you were complaining).
5. If you could have a super power, what would it be and why?
I’d like to be able to fly, but I suspect it might actually terrify me. Not a fan of heights. So I think I’d like to be able to teleport, so I could instantly visit someone I miss, no matter where in the world they are.
6. What song best describes your work ethic?
Gah this is so hard, I wish I hadn’t asked you this question… I have been trying to think of something with a fast tempo and a “go, go, go” element to it, but I think I’m going to go with “Lost in My Mind” by The Head and the Heart. I tend to focus and tune everything out except the task I’m busy with. I am usually the last to know what’s going on in an office environment.
7. What’s the best piece of life advice anyone has ever given you?
My uncle once said to me: “You never know what bee is biting someone else’s bum.” This is so true, at work and in your personal life. People have their own stuff going on – their own stresses to worry about. More often than not, if they take things out on you, it’s not you – it’s them. Or something else that’s “biting” them. Don’t take it personally. Not an easy thing to learn, but a very valuable one.
8. Having worked with me for six months now, what is one thing that you think people should know about me but don’t?
You have a (surprising but impressive) knack for figuring out html coding and will often say things like: “Right, stand back, I’m entering the matrix,” or “Yip, I just hacked the mainframe.”
9. You walk into a bar right now and order a drink. What is it?
Savannah Dry. With lemon. Or… maybe a glass of merlot. It’s always a toss-up.
10. What advice would you give someone thinking about starting their own business?
If at all possible, find a business partner and do it together. It’s much less scary with two. And having someone to bounce ideas off is so important. But find someone you can trust. Find someone who you will be able to have difficult conversations with – because, trust me, there will always be difficult conversations. But, at the end of the day, if you can get through those conversations, be on the same page, and enjoy working together, you are winning. Also – there is nothing quite like the freedom of being your own boss and building something that is your own.