Original blog: Embarrassing get-ups, 27 June 2013 (Liz)
So Pomegranite’s social media has taken a dive of late because well, I’ve been working don’t you know! Realizing how time has flown and the gnawing feeling of being left behind is a big shock, especially when I’m supposed to be good at this sort of stuff! But it has given me real insight and shown me exactly how to motivate our offering to potential clients.
Most people either don’t have the expertise or the time to run their social media properly. Like anything worthwhile in life, it takes planning and work.You can tell when something is posted on a Facebook account in a panic or when someone tweets because they feel they ought to say something.
Without focus, efforts come across hollow and unexciting and social media platforms are no place for a brand to wither and die.
Another big shock is going to your own website and realizing how far it is from reality. It’s tough because a website is generally a pretty static platform. You give it a lot of attention when you build it but, before you know it, you, your business, your brand have evolved and what’s on the website is not quite you.
Keeping a website up-to-date can be costly and time consuming but social media provides a bridge to maintain momentum between make-overs.
So neglecting online presence leads to a pretty awkward state of affairs. It’s like only having your childhood wardrobe at your disposal to go to a swanky party (that’s a genuine dream I’ve had): they don’t fit, they don’t suit you anymore and you’re acutely aware that what people see is you but also definitely not, not anymore.
Ja, ja laugh it up. While I loved my sunflower aliceband, strutted myself in an over-sized surf t-shirt and wouldn’t be caught dead without my denim bomber jacked (sported here in a nonchalant waist-tie), I’m not that person anymore. What we wear is by no means the sum of what we are. I could still be myself in this ridiculous outfit. But I’d rather not. We take care of how the world sees us in real life. It works the same way online. So throw out your embarrassing wardrobe and get your sexy on!