Hello world – I’m the new girl at Pomegranite

“Thanks, and after you’ve done that newsletter could you please upload this blog post and then Tweet and Instagram and Facebook and also could you please just convert all these PDFs to JPGs?”

You guys – having an intern is the BEST. Having a clever one who uses her initiative and catches on to new concepts at the speed of light is even better. Meet Carla – she’s awesome. And you’ll be hearing from her a lot in the coming months!

Starting a new job is always exciting and at least a little bit scary. Especially if it is your first-ever-proper-job. This is what I have been doing this week – starting my (almost) first-ever-proper-job here at Pomegranite (more on the ‘almost’ later).

For my inaugural blog (sounds very fancy!) I decided to write an introduction to a series of opinion pieces about the absolute agonies of job-hunting and especially first-time-ever job hunting, the difference between being welcomed into a job and being forced into unhappiness, and, most importantly, the value of a degree in English language and literature in the workplace (something we chatted about in my interview).

Let’s flash to the reality of the situation now. I am 24 years old. At the end of last year I graduated from the University of Cape Town with my Honours degree in English Studies. Since leaving high school I have worked as a waitress, I have worked as a retail sales assistant and I have tutored high school students. By the end of my Honours year I still had no real idea of what I wanted to do, never mind if anyone would pay me for it. I never imagined that I would be sitting around in May – five months after graduating and almost seven months after actually going to university regularly –  frantically searching for a job.

But here I am – sitting at my desk at Pomegranite and feeling very pleased that I have found a job and that I have found a job that (so far) I seem to enjoy.