An office with a view: Pomegranite inspiration day
Before the cold front rolled in and botched beaching weather for this weekend, Pomegranite took to Clifton Fourth this morning for this month’s inspiration day.
The weather was already threatening which meant that we had the beach almost to ourselves if we put up with the odd gust of wind and a little extra crunch in our chip rolls. The other beach goers included a man in jeans and leather shoes (gives me the heebie jeebies just thinking about it), a family with young kids and a prone sunbather (she didn’t moved in the time we were there. Perhaps we should have checked that she was breathing).
A mutual respect grew between us as we saw each other’s determination to have a good time. Having found a sheltered spot, we got to work Instagramming the crap out of the scenery to make everyone at a desk was jealous. Herewith, the evidence:

Glorious Cape Town! We love you despite still cleaning sand out of our ears!
Lying against a big granite boulder (let’s all just agree it was granite) the perspective of a wide open sky above us felt apt as we discussed Pomegranite’s major developments in the upcoming months. We talked about what kind of business we want to be, how we want to work, what kind of clients we want and who we want to work with. We see the business moving into a new phase and we realised it’s not going to be okay. It’s going to be great.