Online trends we’ve seen growing in 2018
Photo from Unsplash
By Michaela
The online environment is an ever-evolving space with constantly changing trends, fads and features. We are almost two thirds through 2018 and have noticed how the social world has changed throughout this year. This list of trends will help you recognise what’s climbing the charts and what to predict for the future of social media. Use these tools to help sculpt your marketing strategy for the rest of the year and know what everyone is up to online.
The use of Artificial Intelligence
With an exciting prediction by Adobe that machines will begin to make smart and strategic marketing decisions, a very interesting business turn is right around the corner. Targeting will become even more hyper-focused with software analysing data to start and stop campaigns, build segments and create curated, customised copy to relate to specific personalities across the web. We know AI is not new, but expect serious growth for the future.
Increased live video usage
This social media staple is growing exponentially. Users gain a feeling of excitement, connection, inclusivity and immediacy. A preferable solution for modern consumers on-the-move, live streaming gives the opportunity to tap in and out of information while multitasking. Introduce how-tos, Q&As, announcements, product reveals and demonstrations to entice viewers into this intimate experience. Foreshadow this with a build-up of teaser posts reminding viewers to tune-in for the big moment. Top live streaming platforms include Twitter, Facebook Live, Snapchat, YouTube Live, Instagram Live, Twitch and Periscope.
Gathering data and a history of your customers’ ideas and habits gives you the perfect opportunity to connect with them on a deeper individualised level through the content you create. Now you can ensure that your customers are receiving carefully curated and relevant information. Connections have become more empathetic and create an impression that you are truly engaging with users in a meaningful way, not just focused on sales. Along with this concept, using purposeful posts with a clear and moral message almost always works.
User-generated content
Users are far more likely to trust regular consumers over claims and facts given by marketers. By reposting or sharing positive user experiences with your brands you have ready-made content straight from the source. This idea works with regard to influencers and normal consumers. One positive interaction or post on social media may even generate more engagement, leads and sales than an expensive advertising campaign.
Marketing to Generation Z
We’ve all grown rather tired of the phase “millennial” over the past few years. Luckily we can finally shift focus onto the new kids on the block: Gen-Z. 2018 brings them into the marketing spectrum. This generation spans almost 20 years so you’ll get to know their likes and dislikes very well. Labelled the next “consumer powerhouse” Gen-Z is said to make up 40% of consumers by the year 2020. Get to know their social habits, for instance, Gen-Zers are prone to use different platforms for completely different activities and should be targeted accordingly.
One of the most vital elements of marketing as consumers is always looking at reviews when deciding to go with a brand or product. Consumers will dig up information on your brand from every corner of the internet if they are unsure about investing time and money into your offer. Give consumers a behind-the-scenes look at your business and create a human element to your marketing. Making sure that you are identifiable as more than a logo is crucial.
Augmented reality
Real life experiences are digitally augmented by advertisers and brands. Unlike VR, augmented reality does not create an entirely new landscape, it uses elements of real life with augmented embellishments. An example of this would be seeing a potential sofa purchase in the setting of your own living room. Use AR to grab attention through computer-generated embellishments using sound, video and graphics to enhance user experiences. This is taking social media by storm through their canvas ads and 360-degree posts.