
Pomegranite’s eighth birthday

Our usual Pomegranite birthday party obviously wasn’t an option this year, but turning eight felt like a big deal and we wanted to do something to mark the occasion.

After our alternative celebration, these were the messages sent on slack:

“My face actually hurts from smiling – thanks guys that was great! :smile:

“Thank you guys, that felt like the biggest gift. :heart:

In our recent interviews for a new social media manager (meet her here!), we asked this question:

If your current team could describe you in three words, what would they be?

It’s a really useful question! What got us thinking about it even more is this lovely testimonial from one of our long-term clients, Made Marian:

“The team at Pomegranite gathered together all the strands of my brief to build my lovely website – MadeMarian.co.za – some years ago now. They totally demystified the process for me and have been at my side ever since to add, subtract and change with the development of my art business. Responsive, wise, efficient – I can’t recommend them highly enough. Seriously.”

So, for our birthday, Jesse sent us each a form where we could describe each team member – and Pomegranite – in three words. She turned the descriptors into word clouds of compliments for each person, and as she presented them over Zoom, we had to guess who was being described.

It’s really interesting – and surprisingly moving! – seeing how other people perceive you. Not to mention the business you’ve created.

Here are some of Pomegranite’s words:

Real. Warm. Personal. Intentional. Nurturing. Supportive. Fun. Strategic. Quirky. Thoughtful. Invested. Open.
