Another inspiration day at Clay Café
By Sarah
It’s been a while since we had a proper inspiration day, and it didn’t take long to decide what we were going to do. We needed more plates for our office. Solution: Clay Café. Again. I think it was our fourth visit? It’s a unanimous favourite.
When Riyad caught wind of this plan he sheepishly asked if he could please join us, even though he isn’t technically a Pomegranite anymore (he still rents a desk in our office though, because we’re just too hard to leave, even if you do start your own business).
We found this quite amusing – and gratifying – as it took a lot of convincing and milkshake bribery to get him to Clay Café the first time.
Clay Café has moved to a new venue in Hout Bay, just a bit further down the road, and it’s so lovely – spacious and peaceful and therapeutic. Also, the chocolate cake is delicious.
We picked a colour theme the first time we painted office plates so we stuck to that again (we think – it’s hard to remember what the colours look like pre-firing). That was the only rule. What you chose to paint on your plate was up to you. I always love seeing everyone’s ideas, which are always so different.
We’ll have to post an update on social media once the plates are ready because these pics really don’t show you the final effect – especially the ones where tape and stickers and crayons have been used.
Inspiration afternoons are generally when we chat about the business and how things are going and what new things we should try/implement, but somehow, whenever we go to Clay Café, we usually forget the agenda and just have fun talking rubbish while we paint. And, while business-related conversations are important, I think it’s equally important to just enjoy being together. Laughing. Giving Riyad kak. Sitting in companionable silence. Being.
I always leave these afternoons feeling like we’re doing something right with Pomegranite and the culture we’ve created.
