Content marketing: The great divide

We speak about content marketing quite often at Pomegranite. It’s the fastest growing form of marketing and the way brands go about it changes from week-to-week. That’s what makes it so exciting – and challenging.

This infographic by the folks at One Spot illustrates this brilliantly: one the one hand, there are so many reasons why it’s crucial for brands to invest time (and money) in content marketing, but, as is true of anything in the business world, it comes with its own challenges.

Sure, it costs a whole lot less than traditional marketing – but people still tend to expect a lot more than budget constraints allow. Yes it’s an important way to extend the reach of your brand – but how many people actually track the ROI (or at least attempt to measure this)?

At the end of the day, it’s about being realistic, working with what you have, being creative, and keeping a finger on the pulse of this ever-changing, fast-moving, always-evolving industry.

content marketing

Fetaure image courtesy ddpavumba,