Pomegranite inspiration day: an afternoon at the seaside

By Liz

It’s a big week at Pomegranite HQ. Sarah has joined us from Joburg for the week and we are celebrating our fifth birthday on Friday. The days have been busy seeing clients and workshopping our processes as a team.

To break up the activity and to enjoy something together as humans outside of work, we headed to the Sea Point Promenade for a bike ride, courtesy of our wonderful client, Upcycles, complete with glorious sunshine, fresh air and delicious ice cream.

Tom struck out in front, leading our motley biker crew. With his tall frame rising above the masses and arm signals like booms, he was an easy marker to spot.

After some initial apprehension, Michaela tootled along as though she was on her morning commute.

Carla took to her bike like a natural, scouting out new routes and looping back and forth between our group. She reckoned she could do this every day.

This time, Sarah managed to avoid getting drenched by the waves crashing against the wall below and beamed being close to the sea again.

I had a (gentle) collision with a little boy riding his scooter forward across the path while looking backwards. He was fine, and, judging by his mom’s reaction, this was not the first time this has happened.

Ice cream was carefully chosen and eaten in the park, with many appreciative grunts. We had some laughs. It was a good day.

  • Julie

    July 13, 2018 at 8:49 am

    Nice one guys! Thank’s for the takeaways… oh wait, we didn’t get any…. 😉

    • pomegranite

      July 13, 2018 at 8:53 am

      Oooonly cos the ice cream would have melted, Julie. 🙂