Inspiration Afternoon at the Clay Café

By Carla

Each month Pomegranite endeavours to get out of the office as a team and do something different, fun and, most importantly, inspiring. This past Friday we went on an afternoon trip to Hout Bay and had a creative session at the Clay Café.


For those of you who have not been, it’s a real treat. It is primarily a place to paint unfired bisque with an array of colours and techniques. Once you have painted and decorated your bowl, mug, plate or minion (the options are broad), it is put in line to be fired.


This is awfully exciting for a variety of reasons. Firstly you get to make an actual thing, a physical thing. For people who work in a primarily digital world this is quite novel and refreshing. At Pomegranite, although we are creative we do not physically create. Also, you can eat pizza, drink milkshakes and even eat fudge while you paint.

fudge and cap

Needless to say we had a lovely afternoon.

Riyad discovered his inner child. Interestingly enough his inner child also prefers a colour scheme of black, white and grey.


Sarah went straight for the tough stuff. Painting leaves is hard on its own. Painting leaves in an arrangement on a mug is worse. But as usual she made it look easy.

Liz dug deep and found inspiration in the colourful musings of The Owl and the Pussy-Cat and painted a pea-green boat.

levels of intensity

And I did I stuck to my usual aesthetic. Coral and Turquoise. And henna patterns.
