Rise and Vine! Get the low-down on this micro video app
Over on our Facebook page, we recently launched Vine Vednesdays (Wine Wednesdays are still alive and well, remain calm). Named after a ‘Vignette’, a short impressionistic scene, this mobile app enables its users to create and post short looping video clips.
Why it works
The limitations of time (7 seconds) and editing (the camera records only while the screen is being touched) has forced users to become increasingly creative and to plan their precious moments. The result? Some really original entertainment.
In terms of watching Vines, the brevity of the looping clip makes the app mesmerising.
What people are doing with it
1.Capturing moments: watch cute kittens getting tickled or the view from parasailing over turquoise waters.
2. Making moments: check out guys pulling off amazing tricks and some slightly bizarre theatrical moments.
3. Dorseying: founder, Jack Dorsey loves to take a selfie (usually half a selfie actually) with a scene, landmark or moment going on behind him. Dorseying has inspired many an entertaining parody.
For a taste of what’s out there, check out Vine’s Twitter account or just keep an eye on our Facebook feed for the best of the best every Vednesday.
Sources: http://www.cnbc.com/id/100807818,